Five years ago my oldest daughter started passing out.  We had been into alternative healing since she was 18 months old.  There were many trips to the ER and many test, including MRI, EKG, EEG, Tilt Table Test, Ultrasounds, and Sonograms.  The heart doctor was ready to do an exploratory heart catheterization.  My daughter a 17 decided she didn’t want to do that.  We started going to a acupuncturist.  This began to help. I started spending every spare moment on helping my daughter.   One of the acupuncturist heard I was spending so much time trying to learn more and decided to gave me a book on ThetaHealing.  This was a great turning point for me and my family.

ThetaHealing help her by removing subconscious beliefs that were making her ill.  At this time in a child’s life they are under so much pressure.  This can cause anxiety, stress and fear.  By removing the anxiety, stress and fear she began to get better.  She learned to handle all the things that life brings to you.  She can cope with anything that comes her way now.

That is how my story began.  I now help others by identifying subconscious beliefs, feeling and emotions that are causing dis-ease within the body. Once the issue is identified and the conscious mind decides to let go of this issue then the shift begins. Once these limited beliefs, feeling or emotions are in balance the dis-ease will naturally correct itself.

I have been trained in ThetaHealing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Explorations of Conscious Creation as well as my own intuitive skills. I work with people that are hurting physically or emotionally who need help. After working together you will feel at peace in your mind, body, soul and spirit so that you can lead a more healthy productive life.

I look forward to helping you heal your mind, body, soul and spirit.

Love and Blessings,

Rebecca Pierce

“I am an expression of God, who dwells in me as me.”